Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What I end with


Robert Frost


say the world will end in fire,
Some say in
From what I've tasted of desire

hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

What I Desire

My unfulfilled desires, are climbing mount rainier. I want to climb mount rainier because it is a challenge to anyone and for the majesty for such a goal. I have the desire of owning and riding a motorcycle so I can truly experience freedom. I desire finding a job after college that I can be happy with, have fun and help others. I have the life desire to spend as much time in the outdoors enjoying what God gave us to enjoy. I have the desire to leave a legacy where ever I go. I would like to leave a legacy because then people would treat others better and help others out. I have the desire to start a family and live happily and bring life into the world. I have the desire to serve my country in the air force. I want to protect the country and utilize all my talents and gifts for the greater good of all people.

What I have Done, Still to do

My life achievements are making sure others are happy and feel loved. I have been honored with being presented my eagle scout award. I want to live the achievement of making the most out of my high school career. These are my present life achievement some of my future life achievements are to start a family. I want to achieve the grace of being a father. I want to achieve a well established career and a stable financial base. I want to achieve a life lived with God. Over all I wish to achieve ultimate happiness. I wish to be happy knowing that I am living and working for God. I wish to achieve a deeper sense of understanding.

Why I am.

I wouldn't be where I am or who I am if it where not for the people and events in my life. My parents and family have shaped me to become a hard working and passionate person. My parents gave me a model on which to build upon greater and stronger relationships. Through my family I have become aware of my strengths. Events in my life that have shaped me and made me who I am today are hiking. My introduction to the majesty of nature and its fragility. I am changed for the better after spending one year in public Jr. high school, which showed me my necessity of a good education in a supportive environment. Attending Bellarmine Prep. has had the biggest impact for me. Bellarmine has nurtured me and helped me grow in faith and in relationships more than any one person or event.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Lessons Hard Learned

The life lessons I have learned like some of my convictions have shown me that there is more to life. Always be patient, turn the other cheek are ways that I have learned to love. I have learned that hard work can set a person free. Free from stereotypes, free from being judgmental, free from one way of thought. I have learned life is unfair, life is great for some, better for others and sad for many.

Where I Have Stept to Far

The risks I have taken have reveled who I am. Climbing mountains have made me aware of my limits both physically and mentally. Many cases my mind can over come my body and carry me to the reaches of safety. I have faced the dangers of wildlife. A mother black bear and her cubs have shown me the power, grace and subtly of nature. Gambling with life and relationships has taught me how delicate they are.

What I See, How I Feel

I have gained insight that God is my drive. He is the one reason for who I am and for who I am to be. The world has taught me that there is always hope. I have found hope even in the mist of utter destruction and evil in the world. Human nature has taught me that I am not alone, that no one is alone. Jesus Christ has shown me how to forgive and how to love. Love has taught me to understand. In religion I have round that God works in a community not just a lone, single person. Prayer has shown me how to see God in my life and how God is in everyone else's as well.